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PDF copies of newsletters:
PDF copies of minutes:New Jersey Beeekeers AssociationNew Jersey Beeekeers 2014 honey show resultsNew Jersey Beeekeers 2012 honey show resultsNew Jersey Beeekeers 2011 honey show resultsNew Jersey Beeekeers 2009 honey show PicturesNew Jersey Beeekeers 2008 honey show resultsNew Jersey Beeekeers 2007 honey show results
SCBA Officer responsibilities:Jan 2013 President: Deb Cowell President’s message for newsletter Schedule meeting dates and place Set agenda and run meetings Take care of any NJBA business Send branch information /updates to NJBA webmaster Organize Holiday Dinner 1st VP “Programs“:Liz Bissacio Research programs, guest speakers for meetings Coordinate and schedule with input from President Assist with Short Course: Schedule room (see Tom Webb) Xerox info Advertise in newspaper Organize breakfast 2nd VP Sussex County Fair setup/honey show:LeeAnn Coleman Make sure labels are ordered (contact Helen for previous years count) Order recipe cards (any other free info) from National Honey Board Copy hand-outs for honey booth Organize honey show: (coordinate with Tom Webb) Get info to NJBA website to announce honey show Entry forms to NJBA webmaster Be present the day of the honey show to assist with entries etc. Coordinate winners with ribbons and checks (money award), mail awards Get list of winners to NJBA & SCBA webmaster, Fair grounds (give to Tom) 3rd VP: Dave Kunz Responsibilities to be determined Secretary: Marsha Roemer Keep list of membership current, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses Take minutes at meetings Treasurer: Roman Osadca Dues Keep books Keep secretary and newsletter editor informed of membership
Newsletter Editor: Dan Perez SCBA Webmaster: Steve Brodhecker |